Here's a couple of ISS photo's I took late last year, October and December 2013, using my Samsung Galaxy S3. 1st one was done with a 10 sec exposure and the 2nd was 20 sec. I used an app on Android called Camera FV-5 which allows you to do up to 60 sec and it's free. I know there is one for the iphone called shutter cam (I think). ISS evening passes start again 6th April. You can find times and where to look on Heavens Above. There is a link to the site on the right hand side under my fav sites.
Monday, 31 March 2014
Thursday, 27 March 2014
I'm Back!!! It's been a LONG time since I've posted or done any astronomy due to personal and family commitments but now I have the time to re start and get back in to the hobby I love. I'm a bit rusty, haven't touched any editing software etc since my last post on here so back to basics for me! Also I no longer own my beloved Celestron 4SE telescope, I do still have my Skywatcher though and a brilliant Samsung Mobile. I've been experimenting with handheld shots held up to the eyepiece and will be posting my results. Here are some of the photos I've taken in the last few weeks of the Moon and Jupiter, no editing just straight off my phone. (The blue Jupiter is with a 80A filter). Hope you enjoy and even encourage a few of you to grab your phones and give it a go....
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