Friday, 15 February 2008

Saturn getting loads better...

After a lot of sleepless nights sitting at the computer trying out different processing tips, help from lots of very talented people, i have managed to get a decent Saturn at long last. Taken on the 11th Feb using my Toucam pro, i changed the fps to 5 instead of 15. Thinking that it would be the other way around i was using an higher frame rate,DUH!!!. 5fps is soooo much better. Adjusted the gain, brightness n exposure to compensate and put gamma at around 50% to bring out the Cassini Division.
Just to finish off i grab the chance of grabbing an image of the Moon. Taken on the 13th Feb during daylight so not great but at least i got something. The area is mostly Boussingault craters, taken with a 3x barlow.
Equipment used for Saturn : Celestron 4SE @F13, 3x barlow, Toucam pro @5fps, 1100/1500 frames used. Stacked in Registax4 and processed between Registax4 and Gimp2.4.

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