Thursday, 20 March 2008

Few images between 4th-19th March

Not had much chance to get out recently mainly due to cloud!!! Managed another Saturn on the 4th, not overly happy with the colouring but getting better. Taken with a Celestron 4 SE @F13, 3xbarlow, Toucam pro. Can't remember exact number of frames but it was around 1100 used @5fps. Processed between Gimp and Registax4.
The moon images are from the 17th and 19th March and through cloud! I wasn't going to let cloud stop me, going mad!!LOL. Considering the conditions they were taken in I'm quite happy with them. The close ups were taken using a 3xbarlow. All around 400 frames @10fps using the same equipment. The mosaic was stitched together using i-merge, processed in Gimp2.4 oh and all were stacked in Registax4.


NiteSkyGirl said...

Inspiring photograph's of our moon !

Astronomer said...

Very nice shoot, the moon looks sharp and you're probably viewing from a dark area with low light pollution.

Astronomer said...

Very nice shoots.

Cloudymidnights said...

Great post! Looking forward to more posts on your blog.