Sunday, 1 June 2014

Constellation's and The Sun

Been a horrid week again for weather! Only managed a few hours outside friday night and some today with the Sun. The constellation shot's are with my Sony dsc v1, 30 sec exposure's ISO 200. The Saturn shot's were taken handheld up to my skywatcher 130p, 25mm ep and 2xbarlow with my Samsung S3 and lastly today's sun pics were taken using my nexstar 80gtl 25mm ep and my Samsung S3. Have managed to get my old laptop up and running along with my old toucam pro, all I need now are some decent clear night's and no early mornings to get back into imaging the Moon and planets avi style! Finger's crossed!!

                                          Bootes and Corona Borealis
                                          The Plough
Vega and Deneb/Cygnus

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